
From a professional and expert perspective, we have accompanied several planning and construction projects over the past years.

For example, more than 30 plants were planned, expert opinions were prepared and discussions were held. A part of the services were provided for the 50% own PV companies with the specialization in planning, implementation, and construction services.
These include the construction management of parts of a 34 MW plant in a wetland area, commissioning of installations in the private and industrial areas for roof parallel, elevated and stand-alone systems.

PV-System – Stand-alone

Location: Busenwurth, Germany
Size: 34 MW
Task: Construction Supervision
Date: 11/2011

PV-System -Rooftop

Location: Badenbaden, Germany
Size: 50 KW
Task: Design and Construction
Date: 02/2011

PV-System -Rooftop-parallel

Ort: Reiskirchen, Germany
Size: 6,2 KW
Task: Design and Construction
Date: 03/2012

PV-System – Rooftop-Parallel

Location: Leun, Germany
Size: 17 KW
Task: Planning to Execution
Date: 03/2012

PV-System -Park

Location: Adika, Greece
Size: 500 KW
Task: Interpretation and profitability
Date: 07/2012

PV- System – Rooftop

Location: Landsberg, Germany
Size: 2,3 MW
Task: DC installation
Date: 07/2012

PV-System – Rooftop-Parallel

Location: Aicha vorm Wald, Germany
Size: 1000 KW
Task: DC installation
Date: 08/2012

PV- Renovation -Rooftop

Location: Knülllwald, Germany
Size: 1000 KW
Task: Expert Report and DC installation completion
Date: 09/2012

Partners and relevant Subcontractors


We are member of special organizations for different reasons. Some offer qualified training, others are of an organizational nature or guarantee a quality standard and some serve as a platform for publishing.
We would like to list and acknowledge them at this point.

Software used

  • PV-sol von Valentin Energiesoftware
  • Autodesk® Factory Design Suite Premium includes
  • AutoCAD® Architecture
  • Autodesk® Inventor®
  • Autodesk® Factory Design Utilities
  • Autodesk® Vault
  • Autodesk® Navisworks® Simulate


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